Pairing with password for remote entry should be required, you have an open connection for any mobile device on the same WIFI network which is not a good approach for anyone sharing WIFI over an area, such as a college dorm or apartment complex with a shared broadband network.
A ‘Notes’ or ‘Description’ field is also needed for each item, to explain differences in ‘Price’ and ‘Value’ if an item is upgraded or has had maintenance/modifications done to it that increase value. For instance, a musical instrument (guitar) with modified tuners, electronic pickup, etc… these are too difficult to add one at a time and much simpler to add a detail note on the item for its value being higher than original price. Another good use for this field would be noting that it was a discounted sale price or otherwise un-repeatable price and therefore replacement cost ‘value’ is expected to be higher.
lordmorgul about Home Inventory